After getting a closer look at what hate speech is and working on different ways to combat it, this activity aims to make your participants reflect on their learning path.
Share this activity with them and start by asking them how they feel about the issue of hate speech after this learning process.
After discussing it, ask them to select the character that best represents them and drag it to the place on the template where they think they are. e.g. “I’m feeling confident when combating hate speech”, “I am aware of hate speech but feel afraid of combating it”
They can also move the other characters that represent their peers and reflect on their role in this process.
Ask participants to share their selection and explain the reason for it.
After the activity you should ask participants how it was and how it helped in their learning process. You can use questions such us:
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The evaluation of the learning process should be a continuous task for the trainers, from the beginning to the end of the session, as it allows them to adapt the contents and activities to the group, both to their pace of work and to the way of approaching them, in order to obtain the greatest impact on the participants.
A fundamental role in the evaluation process is to measure the final impact that the training has had on the participants.