Identifying hate speech in media content

The short film Bark has been created as part of the Before They Hate project. 

You can watch it all together or share it with participants to watch on their own. Ask them to choose one of the characters to analyze their situation. They can watch the film again if they need to. 

Reflect with them on the following questions: 

After reflecting on them all together, ask them to select some of the questions and answer them by creating an Instagram reel, TikTok video, story, or other social media presentation. They can share them with the hashtag #B4H8 #BeforeTheyHate and tag the Instagram account of the project @before_hate


Did you know...?

Being the target of hate speech has the same devastating effects as being a victim of any other kind of violence. People experience dread, nervousness, and social exclusion as a result of its frightening, insulting, humiliating, and demeaning effects. It compromises their physical and mental well-being. Bullying and harassment are serious problems, and most youth professionals have witnessed firsthand the damage they can do to the young people they help. When these factors are combined with bias-based harassment, which might be based on sexual orientation, race or ethnicity, or any other characteristic, the impacts are considerably more pronounced, according to the research.

Tips for the facilitator

When asking to create a presentation on social media, emphasize that the presentation should be thought of as for a viewer who has not seen the film and has little knowledge of hate speech.

If the group is willing to share, you can ask them to view each other’s presentations and after that make a group discussion.