What is Democracy?

Short description

This is a short and interactive activity where participants will work together to develop their own group definition of democracy.

Aims & Objectives

Material and equipment needed

Requirements for facilitators

The intention of this activity is to establish a baseline of an understanding of Democracy therefore there is no need for any expertise in the subject.

More resources

The definition used came from a blog post from which can be found here.


Step by step explanation

Activity 1. Developing a definition of Democracy (30 min)

Democracy means everyone should have an equal voice regardless of who they are or where they come from; the colour of their skin, amount of money they have and their status in society. Everyone has a voice that should be equal and an equal opportunity to have their opinion heard. A successful democracy can give every individual the opportunity to make a difference in the way the future is paved. https://www.ukyouth.org/2018/04/democracy-young-people